Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Y7 D28

Took us forever to get home yesterday. We left the hotel around 9:30 after having breakfast downstairs. Between traffic and an unplanned stop at a Disney store, we didn't get home until almost 5:30. 8 hours of traffic and heat and a long bloody drive.

The drive itself wasn't anything exciting, just long. We hit a couple of really bad patches out in the middle of nowhere as they were doing construction and merged down into one lane for about 3 miles. That cost us almost an hour of our trip.

Once we got home, we had a light dinner of watermelon and salad. The kid stuck around until about 8 to make her drive home easier. I caught up on emails and the like as we did laundry. Went to bed around 10:30.

I am finally doing a little better. What was supposed to be a needed getaway ended up frustrating more than helping and frankly I am happier being home. I have two days of training to do and need to get prepped.

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