Friday, September 25, 2015

Y7 D122

I waited until 2am here to make my post so it is technically midnight back home. Oh the things I do for you people.

I have been up for about an hour. Car service gets here around 3. I am heading down in about 40 minutes. Yesterday was another boring ass day. Taught from 8ish until 4:30, headed back to the hotel, began packing, ate my 'dinner' which was really the lunch I took from the client's cafeteria (they gave us coupons to use) and saved for later, then I slept on the couch in my room from 6 until 1. Such a crazy time. Woo. Look at me.

Now I go to the airport to go home.


Something's going on in my head. I don't know what yet but I can feel it. I can feel something in there like an itch you can't quite reach. Anger? Frustration? Depression? Need for an outlet? I miss doing shows when I was single. I didn't feel the pressure to behave. I didn't care what anyone thought and I could be an idiot. Maybe that's what I am feeling. I need to release some pent up 'good behavior'. I need to just let my zero fucks flag fly. But how? Where? I don't know. I am married to someone who doesn't get that feeling. She doesn't drink so it's not like we can go have a ruckus somewhere. Instead I will feel self conscious all night about how much I am drinking, end up not drinking, and whatever. Fuck. See? Something in my head.

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