Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Y8 D19

Just time for a quick recap of the day. Now I sound like John Oliver. Who by the way did the only meaningful tribute to the shit from Sunday. Bless him for being around.

Did a whole lot of nothing yesterday. Sat through a 90 minute company presentation. Yawn. Got stuff prepped for this week's classes. Went to Costco to get some food for the week and snacks for B. Helped B pack. Went to FedEx to get something printed in color. B is getting a new tattoo while in MI and we are out of ink. She needed a GOOD clean copy. For .70 I figured fuck it.

It was mostly about errands and organizing yesterday. Leaving for the airport in less than an hour then I get to come back and teach. Four days. Two weeks by myself. I am going on a road trip this weekend as well as dinner with a friend friday. It will go by quickly I have no doubt.

Nothing else urgent. I am doing better. Less depressed. Never "not" depressed mind you, just varying degrees. Today so far is a good day.

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