Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Y8 D138

3:45am. Whee. At least I am not going anywhere. Just awake. Plus I don't have to worry about waking anyone up. At least anyone I care about. If I wake the neighbors up, fuck them. They bang so much stuff around I don't care.

Spent the day reviewing and working on documentation. Talked to my buddy as he traveled yesterday. He shared some good news with me, which I won't repeat until it becomes more public, but I will honestly say I am happy for him. I will elaborate more this weekend. Played wow, had leftovers, watched some TV. I did piss off the friend of another friend on facebook. One of my friends posted about an opening at their company which will require eventually moving to FL. I asked why they hated this person and wanted to send them to hell. That rubbed one of their friends the wrong way and basically thought I was the biggest jerk in the world. Heh. I am. Amused me.

Not much else going on. Went to bed at 9:30 since I had to get up so early. Around 11 I woke up to an awful cacophony of sirens. Not sure where they were going, but they sure did make a lot of noise about it. Shhh. People sleeping.

B's cousin is having serious problems at their apartment complex. They've been working on the roof over there and I guess they didn't get it finished in time. Huge amounts of water damage in their front room on a load bearing wall. That totally sucks and I hope they don't have to move after just getting everything put away.

Today is 5:30 until honestly probably 1. Then a nap. Then nothing.

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