Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Y10 D228

Sorry for the brevity of yesterday's post. When I mentioned my back was hurting, it was an understatement. I was near tears. I spent 30 minutes on the floor on all fours tilted to the side because it was the only comfortable position I could be in. After B woke up and cracked it and the application of a thermacare for 8 hours did it finally feel better. B's back finally felt better after going to the chiropractor and setting up a 'care plan'. Speaking of back pain, B's grandfather had the worse day of his life yesterday too. We were supposed to have dinner with them and I had managed to start a slow cooker beef stew. We ended up putting three servings in Tupperware with french bread and bringing it over for them for dinner. We set up their trays, got them all situated, etc. They were very grateful. As B's grandma told her 'this is help that helps'. A simple yet powerful statement.

I dealt with the logistics of next week's travel. They have people local, people in texas, and time constraints. GFY. But of course I will work around things. They have offered some reimbursement on expenses - $250 a night for hotel (reasonable, I booked mine for $237), $50 a day for uber or lyft (um, fuck you. I got a rental for all 4 days for $200 so net is equivalent without me having to take my life in my hands), and $100 per day food (wtf? Breakfast is free, I can figure out lunch, and maybe $40 a night for dinner if I do it right). At the same time, no airfare reimbursement. Whatever.

The wind was howling pretty crazy last night. I haven't looked outside yet but I am worried there's tree crap all over. At the same time, our weather has been better or similar to what I left behind. Sorry to disappoint everyone that I am not freezing to death. Maybe next year.

Today I need to finish new curriculum and B has bingo. Go midwest life.

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