Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Y10 D353

Another day of no alarms. Today it's because this week starts my bullshit 11-8 schedule. The next three days I have split sessions of 12 students each. Repeat next week. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?? Whatever.

I did nothing yesterday and it was glorious. I went to the pet store to get something for the cats and the post office to mail something to the kid. That was it. That was my big adventure. When B got home from working with her dad we went to Target for her prescription and then Wendy's for dinner. That's our whole day.

My boss (for now) is on his way to London (should have been my gig) and he sends some stupid ass email about us doing things on Friday. Sorry buddy, Friday is PTO for me and it's already booked for my co-worker. Just go ahead and quit already. We need you not.

That's all.

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