Friday, May 24, 2019

Y10 D363

Two more days. It will be the marker of a decade. Can you believe it? A decade ago I was wallowing in my own self pity and looking at a whole new life. What the fuck? A decade.

Finished my last class with the group in L.A. Finally. That was a rough six days. But it's done. I can go back to 'normal' times. Oh wait. No. I can spend the next 4 out 5 weeks on the road! Oh boy!

My now (in my mind) former boss sent a whiny ass farewell email last night. Doesn't he realize most of us are like whatever dude? Go do your thing. Go. Buh-bye.

Had leftovers from B's grandparent's for dinner. She went over to work on a quilt and brought me home ribs. I can handle that trade off.

Went to bed around 11.

Meetings today. Paperwork. Post office. Three day weekend. Maybe it will rain. Rain is my friend.

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