Thursday, May 30, 2019

Y11 D4

I did something last night I haven't been able to do in a long while; I slept with the windows open. Outside air. It's your friend. I still slept rough unfortunately, but I did sleep better. I had the weirdest dream. It was in this small italian village and I was helping this person win back their love interest. Then I had one of my car dreams. I have these on occassion. Where I am at a car dealer looking at vehicles. My brain is weird.

Yesterday was okay. The contact there is a bit off but the group was good. One thing that was super annoying is I had to have an escort constantly. Like even to go to the bathroom. I mean please. You're healthcare not state secrets. But whatever. They did feed me even though it didn't sit well. They had chicekn tinga tacos and while tasty, they made a return visit last night. Rough times.

One more day and then I go home. Home until Monday. Get the full weekend to myself luckily.

Almost June. Only a month until my birthday. This time last year I was getting ready to leave for Australia. This year, OH. Bleh.

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