Friday, September 11, 2020

Y12 D108

 Still hate this new interface. After a decade of one way, it's hard to change.

New Marilyn Manson album out today. Excited to listen to it. I heard the title track already and enjoyed it. Let's see if the rest of the album holds up.

Taught all day. Good group in terms of engagement level but they had some serious technical issues and a few of them got lost as a result. Another day with them today but hopefully we can get through it without any more problems. We shall see.

Made nice lamb burgers for dinner. Was quite happy with how they turned out. I added some queso fresco and dill to the mix. Red onion, spices, and some mint jelly finished it off. Good stuff.

Played more Control. Weird weird shit. Chased a rubber duck for 30 minutes. Don't trust Marshall. But more importantly, don't trust Pope. They're both 'off' a bit. 

My first class nuts arrived yesterday! 5 lbs of premium nuts. I calculated out how much that would have cost to buy in a store and I got $50 worth of nuts for $37. Good deal. Heat me up a washcloth and pretend I am on an airplane. I am thinking about taking a test flight to like Chicago. See how they do. Maybe in October. Too many people still dying for my taste.

To all my Bay Area, SoCal, and Oregon readers, please be safe. I know it sucks out there right now. Stay inside, don't breathe the air, and please don't catch on fire. I don't have time for that.

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