Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Y12 D127

 I didn't watch any of the debate last night, nor have I read any news this morning, but here's what I don't understand - why is this happening at all? No seriously. Why are you bothering to have a debate? Who the fuck is this for? Who could possibly be "on the fence" right now? Either you're a piece of shit racist, xenophobe, misogynist, facist supporting douchebag, or you're not. There is no inbetween this time around kids. There's no "gosh maybe one has a better foreign policy". So who the fuck is this for? 12 old people in fucking Iowa who "could go either way"? And fuck the electoral college. Shit needs to go. Period. I also think they're are a lot of people like us who are voting by mail this year (no, it's not a fucking fraud you asswipe) and have already voted. Ours came Monday and we had them filled out and sealed by yesterday morning. I will be dropping them off today after work. Don't need debates. Don't need ads. Shit is done. Let's just do this already. 

Worked on docs, prepped for today's class. Had coconut curry chicken for dinner.

2 days of classes with three students. Then finally payday, and the weekend. Which right now involves nothing. I like that.

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