Saturday, September 19, 2020

Y12 D116

 I can't do it any more. I can't live in this world. With RBG dead, the fate of the future truly is in flux. What happens over the next few weeks will decide the course of this country for the remainder of my life. That's a scary fucking thought. Mitch McConnel is the biggest piece of shit, most disgusting meat suit slimeball to ever walk this planet. I don't understand how that thing justfies its existence. Despicable, horrible, awful, piece of shit. Wait. That's not fair to shit. If you think I am overreacting then you are a CIS-gender, heterosexual, white male with a moderate to high income. Because for you, nothing will change. You'll keep going in your nice little leave it to fucking beaver bubble. You who proclaims "i'm not racist but..." or "I'm not ....phobic, but...." can just fuck right off. Come out of your bubble for 30 seconds and realize that RIGHT FUCKING NOW illegally imprisoned latina women are having their fucking uteruses ripped out of their body by ICE. Realize that the shitstain's primary nominee has already said its first act is to roll back ALL LGBT laws and ALL women's rights laws. So no, you fuck, you won't be affected. But then again, you're the same people who won't wear a mask because "I aint afraid of duh 'rona". Never thinking about the fact that it's not to help you, BUT YOUR FELLOW HUMANS. You know, the people that McConnel doesn't care about either. And I am talking to you whiny bitch babies who surrouned the MI capital with semi and fully automatic weapons yesterday. You are fucking children. Give a fuck about someone else besides yourself for once. That's it. I am done. I am done wasting my breath on all of you. As soon as their lockdown is over, I'm going to Australia. Even Canada is too close. Ironically, even Germany is looking good right now. You know, the country that has LEARNED from its past. 

I fear there will be another world war in my life. And that's not a pleasant thought.

Taught all day, depressed all night.

Fish tanks today. Other than that, digging a bunker to die in.

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