Saturday, January 8, 2022

Y13 D227

Slept in this morning. No obligation Saturday. I can't believe that last week is over already and we are 8 days in to a new year. At the same time I keep thinking it's later in the month than it is. Yesterday I was paying bills and was thinking I was late or close on some things and had to catch myself. Not good. 

Went to therapy yesterday, had a meeting, developed a matrix document, and did a bunch of little stuff like that. Called it a day around 3pm. Made grilled cheese and soup for dinner. Dealt with B and the never ending emotional roller coaster of her dealing with her friend. Luckily that all got worked out. It was teary and yelling for a while but in the end all is good. Hopefully we can put that experience behind us.

Truly don't have anything to do today. Not complaining.

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