Wednesday, September 13, 2023

ANA Y2 D109

Slept better but still not great. Had more weird dreams that kept waking me up in the night. Fuck maybe some day I will sleep good but last night was not the night.

So my stomach wasn't feeling the best last night but for some reason I wanted ice cream to settle it. C mentioned that this wasn't the first time she's seen me eat ice cream to settle my stomach. She jokingly said I was the opposite of lactose intolerant. Well guess what? I am! It is a real thing! It's called lactase persistence and it is less common in adults. Most adults, especially those in the US develop lactose intolerance once they have moved out of childhood. Some have greater issues than others, but it turns out some people with certain ethnic and geographic backgrounds develop the other way. 100% of people from Irish descent are lactase persistent. HA! This is why I can eat, and desire to eat, as much cheese and dairy based product as I do. My stomach needs it and craves it. Suck it.

Worked on shit yesterday. Got shit done. Nothing more exciting than that. Same shit today. Everyone thinks I am off today as well and I am not going to burst their bubble. I plan on doing jack shit and getting out of here. The next few days are going to be a blessing. I need them as does C.

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