I think C is going to look for a new job soon. This getting up at 4:30 every fucking weekend is insane. Unless she asks for it off, they automatically put her on every weekend both days. It wouldn't be so bad if it was both Saturday and Sunday every fucking weekend. I never get to sleep as a result and she feels horrible making me get up at this time. NGL it would be nice to at least sleep until 6 or 7.
Was up super early yesterday but I got everything done. Paid all the bills, went to the grocery store, recorded my stuff, went to a meeting. We had date night and had Italian for dinner. Then we went to the mall and walked around. It was a nice night ruined only by us having to go to bed at 10pm so we could be back up again.
Today I have some stuff to do but not a lot. I may just take a nap after she leaves.
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