Sunday, September 24, 2023

ANA Y2 D120

Ugh. Up way too early for a Sunday. Especially since we didn't go to bed until almost midnight. Fucking hate C having these 6am Sunday shifts. They suck for everyone involved. Our friend is still here and he is leaving at the same time C leaves to drive back home. So everyone is up. Yay. 

We went to the Detroit International Auto Show yesterday. We got up and left the house by 9, parked by 9:30, and in the doors when they opened at 10am. We chose to go into a certain set of doors and I am very glad we did. The last time I went to a show like this it was in LA and wow, what a different vibe. Here, the "big 3" dominate where as in LA, the other brands and the more obscure ones had a more equal showing. Mercedes, Audi, Aston Martin, Range Rover, etc were all shoved into a back corner where as they had more square footage at a west coast show. Here it was GMC! BUICK! FORD! CHEVY! All as you walked in. We came in at the Buick/Cadillac doors and it was like welcome to cars for old people! Just awful. Bland basic cars. Absolutely nothing exciting, nothing that gets you going. The good thing about this, is as we progressed the halls, we saw nicer and more interesting things. If we had ended on those, I would have been disappointed. But we started with the bleh and only went up from there. They had actual demo tracks in the halls where the big deal was how good all these trucks are. Jeep, Ford, Dodge all had these obstacle course tracks setup. This wasn't a car show as much as it was "see our stuff is fun! buy our stupid products!". We did in fact see a couple of 2024 models we liked. One from VW that I had never heard of because VW is very uncommon around here. The best display was from McIntosh showing off their sound systems that were in some of the higher end model Jeeps. They had speakers that were 50,000 each. 70 drivers, six feet tall. They were awesome. Got to see Mini and a few other fun things. Sadly there were less concept or prototype kind of vehicles. Again, it felt more like a giant car lot than a car show. But we had fun.

After we rented some scooters to show our friend how much fun they are. Sadly, the ones here are not as much fun as in GR. The ones here are locked to 11mph, all janky from abuse, and the roads suck. We still had fun, but not the kind of fun we had last time. Still makes us want to buy our own though. On the way home we stopped at C's work and bought some steaks for dinner. We had a good meal and then made a fire outside. We had s'mores and stayed up talking. Really nice time was had by all.

Today I am up for them. I plan on doing nothing today.

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