Monday, November 8, 2010

Y2 D166

Maybe it's the rain.
Maybe it's the time change.
Maybe it's my dead laptop.
Maybe it was AFV's segment on Florida.

Regardless of what it is, I felt myself slipping (tried to save myself, but myself kept slipping away) yesterday. Which is a shame since I was doing so well Friday and Saturday. But yesterday it all kind of fell apart. Went down the path of loneliness and sadness. Felt myself being unable to breathe. Felt lost. Confused. Still feel that way.

Didn't do much of anything. Went to the Apple store. They are letting me send my laptop in for review. If they open it up and don't find anything that would indicate intentional damage, they are going to fix it for free. If they find anything untoward then it's out of pocket for about $500. Worst part is I will be without a laptop for 7-10 business days. I did manage to take the hard drive out and back everything up to an external unit. At least from a data perspective I won't lose anything. Just my time and sanity. Until I get the laptop back, I am going to be functioning off an old netbook. It won't let me do any real work, but it will at least allow me to check email and the basics.

Cross your fingers for me that they fix my laptop.

Other than that I did some light cleaning, rearranged things to have the desktop in a place where I can use it regularly, went to bed. Another week begins. Same thing different week eh?

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