Thursday, January 6, 2011

Y2 D225

Well the article in the paper turned out to be more than I expected; I am now catering a dinner party this Sunday for my boss and 14 of his friends and family. Then on the 22nd I am hosting a dinner party for my grandmother and aunt. Holy crap. Is this my fifteen minutes? I never thought I would get it for food. Only one person had the balls to call me out on how skinny I look in the pictures. Honestly it was the first thing I thought when I saw them.

Spent all day yesterday doing a training class for the client on the reports I have been building. What should have taken like 4 hours turned into 7. Mostly because we knew we had the time and took our time on purpose. None of us really wanted to do anything yesterday. But it was still a productive day.

Came home and did some more work in the house. I also went and talked to my rental office about my upcoming lease expiration. Odds are they will be increasing my rent by at least $100. I need to be ready for that. I am not looking forward to it, but I expected it. I just need to figure out where I am getting an extra $100. I can't wait until May when I send off the last child support check. Talk about relief. If I hadn't been sending that this last year, I would be in a much different place. Once the kid hits 18 in February we are going to be doing it differently anyway. I will be putting money twice a month into an account just for her and she will be paying her step-dad monthly for bills. It will be a good learning experience for her.

Almost through painting the steamer trunk. I did two more coats on the trim last night and one more on the main body. Tonight I need to do one last coat on the main part of the body, then I have to do a high gloss cover. I think I will finish up the hardware tonight though as it may scratch the body and I don't want to paint twice. I also decided on which pieces I will be selling in my house. I am going to replace my dining room table, my buffet table, the desk in the kid's room, and my bed frame. I looked at Ikea and some other places on line and I will sell my current stuff for enough to cover replacements. No more, no less. I don't want to be greedy, but I want enough to cover new stuff without any out of pocket. Just replacing these little things will totally change up my place. Kind of exciting. Now I just have to find buyers for my current stuff. Nothing new until the old is gone.

Today I have to finish up some reporting and that's it. G and I are back to playing tag, but it's no big deal. We will hookup at some point. I did hear back from L and it seems over the break she found some groups to hang out with and is moving in another direction from me. That's fine. There was never any major connection there anyway and I don't feel slighted or bent about it.

Off to work...

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