Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Y3 D19

Life just keeps moving forward, doesn't it? It's been two weeks since the kid graduated, three weeks since I started the new job, a week since we were starting vacation; things just never stop. They just keep plowing forward and nothing really ever changes. Just the same thing on and on again until we collapse.

Worked yesterday obviously. Still not engaged with customers, instead still training. Will be for at least another 1 - 1 1/2 weeks. Not complaining mind you, just feeling useless. I did get a ride home from a friend who happened to be in the city yesterday which was nice. I also setup my auto-pay for my commuter checks. $100 a paycheck, pre-tax which I get reimbursed roughly around the 20th of the month. When I get the reimbursement check it will go straight on my commuter card. Until then I have to pay out of pocket which kind of sucks, but as long as I keep receipts, I am okay. Technically it becomes a tax write off.

Finished up an online driver's training class last night I had to take to avoid a point on my license. I had been procrastinating it for a while and started over the weekend. Three hours of watching lame ass videos and slides. That was on top of the four hours I spent over the weekend.

Watched the next episode of the X-Files with the kid. 198 to go. That's about it. My head is still not 100% where it should be, but I am back to recognizing it at least which allows me to work on it and force it back into place.

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