Saturday, September 3, 2011

Y3 D101

I tried really hard yesterday to care, I honestly did but...

I played nice. It was definitely one of those things where I wanted to be a total jerk and just play all day but I knew too many people were counting on me. And it paid off -- near the end of the day my boss asked if I would be willing to do another project after the ones I am already doing. I know it sounds odd that I would consider it, but the difference is I would be getting paid as an hourly contractor and my company would be getting paid, therefore I would be making my billable goals. I would be bringing in revenue for the company without even trying. I told him I would think about it over the weekend. I also committed to working on some stuff that was due yesterday over the weekend for free. Yeah I know, but I don't burn bridges. Even when I really want to.

After work I headed home and TGF was waiting for me. For once she decided to stay and wait for me to get home. It was really nice having her be here when I arrived. Made it feel like a real girlfriend situation. We are seven damn weeks as of this weekend. Seriously, this is a record. This is the longest relationship I have had with anyone since the divorce. J1 and I went out for about 2 months, but we barely saw each other and it was never at the same level as I have with TGF. In actual time elapsed, if TGF and I hit three months - October 17th - then it will hands down be a record. I read what I write sometimes and realized I have been saying 'if' when it comes to her a lot. There's a reason. It is way too early in our relationship to think it's a long term thing. We are having fun; we are enjoying each other emotionally and physically. But, it's been two months. You don't make decisions based on two months. Six months. A year. Then you start thinking about what's down the line. You think about 'future plans'. For example, I have a wedding Nov 12. I have yet to mention it to her. I keep things one to two weeks out in terms of what I share with her. It's not being a jerk, just the opposite. It's being realistic and an optimist. My buddy has a birthday party in October I found out about yesterday. I didn't mention it to TGF, yet. Let's see how things go. The other thing it does is keeps me from being complacent. One reason J1 and I didn't work out was I slipped right into married mode. She was the first serious girlfriend I had after the divorce and my instincts kicked in and I went into married guy mode. I have promised myself I wouldn't make that mistake again.

We sat around watching X-Files then met a friend for Indian food. We all had a good time and TGF went home around 9. Today she is hanging with her friends and I am going converse shopping with the kid. She needs a new pair bad. There's the other thing I really dig about TGF -- no hassles about hanging out with our friends. No attached at the hip moments. It's Saturday, we have stuff to do, see you tonight after the show. Bam. Done.

The kid and I watched a couple more episodes after TGF left, but I ended up falling asleep on the couch. Oh well.

Today I need to get cat food, shoes for the kid, and do music for the show tonight. Ready? Go!

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