Sunday, September 4, 2011

Y3 D102

Yes, I know it's almost 3 in the afternoon. I was busy. Yes, doing that. Heh heh heh. So yesterday... Kid and I spent the day together. We tried to do a little shopping. Specifically she was looking for shoes. I ended up finding a new hat. Went with my whole zebra thing last night. Yes, I was a zebra.

So we got back from shopping and watched X-Files. Had some chicken tacos and then went out for the show. I ended up getting pretty drunk, missed a few cues, and made a bit of an ass out of myself. Hey, what else is new?

The show was pretty messed up because we only had 62 people in the audience which really sucked. We need over a certain number to keep the theater. Today is an emergency meeting to discuss how to get our numbers up. I have some things to present, hopefully they will be listened to by everyone.

After the show TGF and I went over to our friend's house for an after party. That's when I realized how drunk I was and how I messed up the show. I need to stop drinking pre-show. Seriously. It's affecting how I do and that's not good. I need to think about this for while.

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