Friday, January 4, 2013

Y4 D225

And this is why I don't go out any more on Thursday nights. Especially when I have to be somewhere at 8am on Friday morning. Daddy's head hurts. Or - not now dear Auntie Mame is hung... Either way, that's how I am feeling right now. Most people got drunk on NYE, not me, I wait until three three days later. Whee! Less cops! More booze! Ugh.

During the day I worked on some stuff for an upcoming class. Then I worked on my puzzle. I am almost done with that bastard. It should be finished today if I have my way. Made a nice BBQ pork roast for dinner. Then around 8:15 we went out to meet a friend. Both my friend and I agree the kid needs more options to really figure out what to do with NBF and XBF. She needs to basically play the field. At least see what's out there. We took her to a local pub and when we got there it was deader than dead. All of us were a bit disappointed until at 9:15 they start setting up.... KARAOKE. Yep. Next thing you know she is singing, we are drinking and having fun, and it's midnight. See we had a solid feeling that if we got her in there before 10 no one would card her later. We didn't let her drink, but they check IDs at the door after 10. If you're already in they don't really bother. That's why we got there at 8:30. I don't know if she had fun yet or not. Our friend is passed out on my couch with one sock and a puke bucket next to her. I know she had fun.

I had fun too. I talked to a couple of nice girls. Left one my number. Let's see if anything comes of that.

I just checked my bank account. My check went down $360. Fuck me. That's a huge hit. That's $700 a month. Fuck fuck fuck. Now I am stressed.

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