Monday, January 28, 2013

Y4 D249

Good morning world. Yes, I know it is 9:15am on a Monday and I am saying good morning. Truth is I was up at 5 to go to the DMV and then I realized I am an idiot. Since the payment was late, I assumed I couldn't pay it online. Just for giggles I decided to check. Oh look, I can pay it online. Back to fucking bed. I needed the sleep.

Yesterday I went to bed at 4:45am and then got up at 8 because I needed to get props out of the car. I drove the props down around 10. I did find my bracelet while unloading props which is a good thing. I was afraid it was gone for good but luckily I found it. After unloading the props I called my friends who live nearby to see if they wanted to hang out.

I ended up having a rather normal pedestrian Sunday. We went over to Friday's for lunch (it was okay, I mean it's Fridays how good can it be?) and then to the movie theater. We saw Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters. Was it any good? Depends on your opinion. I wasn't expecting Oscar worthy work. It was horribly awful in a fun way. It was what I expected it to be. A goofy movie about witch hunting. After the movie we walked around the mall a little bit and then I headed home. Stopped at Best Buy on the way home to look for a case for the new phone. Didn't see any I liked. I can easily get one on Amazon for like $10 so I will wait.

Came home and the kid wasn't home. B was at work. I relaxed by myself for a little while. Did my time sheets, caught up on some news. B got home around 8:30 and we talked until 10:30.

That's what I call a good day.

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