Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Y4 D243

This week became extremely busy yesterday. I am now doing three training classes none of which I am ready to present, and on top of that helping one of the other guys to get ready for a trade show with a set of demo reports while fixing reports for a client. All of this to be done by Friday. It's going to be a heads down busy week. I can feel it. I have to be in bed early tonight because of this. The classes are all 7-3 the rest of the week. Upside, I will be done teaching at 3, downside, early rise rest of the week.

Worked all day yesterday on the above from 8-5. No breaks in between. Kid worked from 1-6. KBF came over. Still frustrated with that boy but I am staying out of it. I just hope she remembers this some day. How I kept my nose out of her business. Especially when I am going out with someone she doesn't really approve of and she wants to stick her nose in my business. Quid pro quo kiddo.

Worked on my pin board last night. I officially have exactly 1000 pins. I know, I know. Insanity at its finest. Technically I have 1002, but 2 of them are for other people so my count is 1000. Only 70,000 to go. I ended up staying up until midnight because I had pins all over the place. Watched Supernatural while working on the board. I really feel the last two seasons of this show have been disjointed and rambling. I hope they pull this all together soon.

Talked with B for about 5 hours. Amazing how much easier it is to talk to someone remotely than face to face or phone. It's not that it's casual by any sense, but there's just that ability to think through your words before sending/saying them. You can really put down what it is you are trying to say. I may have two road trips coming up in the next few weeks and one of them will put me a couple hours drive from her. If I get confirmation on it, I will factor in an extra day to meet her face to face. We talked about it and we both our nervous. We also both talked about that there should be NO expectations physically out of either of us. While we may have established one hell of a mental connection, we don't know if there is anything physical there yet. Yes, we have seen pictures of each other, but... We shall see.

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