Monday, October 6, 2014

Y6 D134

I slept for 9 hours. That's the longest I have slept in at least three months. Unfortunately I woke up to a very long email from my sister who it appears has been in the hospital the last few days. Hey thanks for calling or texting or emailing me everyone (not my sister obviously). I am just glad she is okay. I worry her head is just going to explode one day like X1's sister's did.

I didn't leave the house once yesterday and it was wonderful. I put together that bookcase. I rearranged books. I made a corned beef for dinner. I then spent like 4 hours organizing media. I still have about 600 files to go, but I organized almost 500 files yesterday. It was wonderful. My OCD has never been happier. I also had my foot wrapped in foam yesterday. That made it so much easier to walk. I looked like an idiot but whatever. Zero fucks given. We watched some TV on the floor a la slumber party mode. It was nice.

Today is a DAY OFF. A real day off too. Not just I don't have anything, no this is I am taking PTO don't fuck with me kind of day off. I am going organize more files, play video games, and hopefully have sex. A good day off.

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