Friday, October 17, 2014

Y6 D145

To my friend: Sometimes one must do what one must do. There is no 'evil' or 'wrong'. Sometimes it's just nice to have options even if you don't ever choose them. And sometimes, just sometimes, you have to say what the fuck. Every now and then saying what the fuck brings freedom. Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity makes your future.

Yeah, I went there. Deal with it.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled insanity. Today's insanity brought to you by Blammo!

I don't know man. I am tired, okay?

Boy did I just have to poop. Seriously. Wow.

Okay. Yesterday. Taught until 2:30, took a nap from 3-4:30, made chicken taco salads for dinner, watched some TV, played Sims, went to bed. There you go.

Highlights? B talked to her grandmother. Who I should say is like most bullies; the minute she stood up to her she crumbled. This is why I was so adamant about her pushing back. I knew the minute she did it would work out. It now appears we are back on and the catering is handled. Funny how things work out sometimes, eh?

I have B watching the Blacklist. I am wanting to start season 2, but she wanted to get caught up first. Since we have that special Friday night show tonight she intentionally stayed up late so she could sleep in. When I went to bed she was on episode 11, let's see how far she got today. Might be done for all I know. We have to run some errands today after work as we are going to be gone for so long starting Sunday. Just thinking out loud now.

It was for the most part a very uninteresting day. Good.

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