Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Y9 D186

Another group of students who can't seem to be bothered to show up on time. This time however I didn't let it stress me out. When it was apparent that over half the class wasn't going to get there by 8:30, I said fuck it, we're now going from 9-5. Can't show up on time? Fine, we stay late. Your problem, not mine. Let me tell you, half the class was pretty pissed off. Blame your co-workers people, not me. For the record, the missing students? All fucking Indian. Plus they all were bathing in cologne and I ended up with a splitting headache before the day was over. Why are they so rude and impossible to work with?? Drives me nuts.

Other than not being able to respect the time, the rest of the day went fine. We managed to finish up a little past 4:30 which wasn't horrible but still, I didn't like getting on site at 7 and having to wait. Plus they have the most rude security procedure. Full metal detector, bag scanner, AND wand after going through the metal detector. What the serious fuck? You're a power company, not fort knox. Punk ass bitches.

Took a shuttle over, walked back. Not a bad walk in the afternoon. Took me about 20 minutes to walk back as I did it at a leisurely pace. Didn't rush. Stopped at a cupcake shop and got a strawberry ice cream cupcake. That was my dinner. I'm an adult.

Watched some tv, went to bed at 10. I did manage to get credit for the first half of my flight on my AA account and I hit my numbers for next year. Another year of Platinum status. If I could score one big trip in December to like the UK, I could even hit the next level. Technically I have until January for it to roll over so who knows, it could happen.

Same schedule and game plan for today. I moved the start for the rest of the week. Let's see if these fuckers try to come in after 9. I am starting without them today. Don't have time to play your fucking games.

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