Friday, August 17, 2018

Y10 D83

First the californians moved up here and fucked up the job market. Then more moved up and fucked up the housing market. Now the gas market. When we first moved up here three years ago gas was anywhere from .75 to 1.00 cheaper a gallon. Now? I paid $48 to fill up my tank yesterday. I now understand why Oregonians for years were so angry with people from CA. We fuck everything up. Kinda the same way us old white men do. Everything we touch turns to shit. Just go read the news if you don't believe me on that one.

Got sign-off on my new material for SoCal yesterday! Yay!! Now to have manuals printed and be sent and then two days at the end of the month and I never have to deal with them again. Thank goodness.

Packed 7 boxes yesterday. Originally this week started out as 3 per day, then it became 5 by Wednesday. Now it's just however many I want. But I am honestly running low on things to pack. There's more, but it's random stuff. Not sure what to do next. I am down to a basic amount of clothes, no books on the bookcase, etc. It gets tougher at this point. I think the kitchen should be next.

Made pork chops for dinner. Tonight I am making souse and johnny cake. Looking forward to that.

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