Friday, January 13, 2023

ANA Y1 D231

Up early because I have shit to do this morning. I have to take the cat to the vet at 8, therapy at 10, then I have to finish one more class. It's a damn monster of a class with 26 modules and dozens of demos. It's the second to last one and it needs to be done today. This is my last week to work on this stuff. I have other obligations starting next week. It's 4:37 and I am already going at 9000 miles per hour. I will rest when I am dead. 

Yesterday was a MUCH better day for both of us. Just in a better headspace. We're allowed to have bad days. We talked through stuff that was bugging us both (not about each other, just life things in general) and we helped each other through. You know, the way partners should. Funny how that works. 

I had my doctor appointment yesterday. Got my year injection. One less thing I have to worry about thank goodness. I got shot in the butt with 8 pellets and now it's done and done. My doctor also doubled my progesterone for the next three months. I have to do more bloodwork in 6 weeks but otherwise, things are humming along in that respect. One less thing for me to worry about.

Spent the rest of the day recording. All I have done for the last few days. My Xmas gift from the kid arrived. A hand made American McGee stuffed bunny. I fucking love it. It's awesome. She has some great taste. Made curry for dinner, watched some TV, went to bed. 

Okay, let's get this day going.

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