Sunday, January 29, 2023

ANA Y1 D247

Holy crap, I am almost forgot to write a post this morning. I don't know why but I was distracted and just spaced. But fear not fellow spacenauts, I am here with the latest scoop into my oh so strange life. I know like that cup of coffee in front of you, your day would feel less complete if you didn't read the ramblings of this mad human. Now onward we go into a journey of the mind!

I don't know what any of that crap means. I am just spewing words for the sheer joy of it today. I am happy and feel okay. So my verbal vomit just is flowing. God bless nothing.

Most of our day was spent at the salon. Both C and I had our hair did and it took up a good chunk of our morning. We got there at 7:30 and left 4 hours later. Worth it. C's hair looks fabulous and mine will hold for another 2 weeks until I get a new piece. That's all it has to do. Since we knew that this piece was almost toast, we had some fun and did a bayalage on it. We went from the copper to a fire red. Very nice. Something different, something fun. Just a pop of color. 

After we met our friend and her wife for late lunch. We ended up talking for hours and a 2pm lunch turned into getting home at 4:30. We helped our friend's wife see that people like us are not monsters, we're not predators, and more importantly, we're not "men in dresses". We're human. We're normal. We're frankly, pretty boring at the end of the day. Our friend has been having trouble with his wife because she sees so many bad examples of transwomen in the media, in the news, wherever. The non-passing. The lying. The drag queens that get lumped into our same bucket. No Timmy, we're not the same. She needed to see basically boring people who have the same issues as her. People who need to worry about their mortgage, grocery shopping, finding clothes that fit, heating the house in the winter, taking the car in for service. We're not drug users. We're not criminals. We're boring ass people who just happen to not feel our bodies match our brains. That's all. She has heard too many stories from her wife about the outcasts and the negatives and needed to be around regular folk. We were nervous going into this lunch because we didn't like being the poster kids for something. But truth be told, we liked her, enjoyed lunch, and hopefully gave her things to ponder.

Since we ate so late, we noshed later in the evening. Some leftovers, some cheese. Watched some TV and then went off to bed around 10pm. Well, let's say we both were feeling a bit randy and next thing you know it's midnight and we be naked. Oops. It happens. Yes, that's 8 for the month. 8. In a month. This kind of physical connection continues to blow my mind. Brings me joy in so many ways.

Today is cleaning day. Our big plan is to pull everything out of the kitchen cabinets finally. Strip them bare, clean them, and figure out how to best put it all back. Wish us luck.

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