Saturday, January 28, 2023

ANA Y1 D246

I am up way too early this morning but I have to go out in a little while. We have an early hair appointment since we are both having things done today. According to my app I had just under 5 hours of sleep. I was right in the middle of a REM cycle when the alarm went off. Scared the shit out of me. There will be napping in my future. Maybe.

Had a good therapy session yesterday. Talked about all the things in my life but that no one thing was driving me and that my problems these days are basic standard issues. If this keeps up, come summer, I may switch to once a month. I will not stop going because it's a good outlet for me, but I will reduce how often I see her. The ultimate goal would be once a quarter. Check in 4 times a year. That's when you know you've won therapy, right?

Worked on work stuff. Had a meeting with my boss. Went over the plan for Feb. C took a proctored exam and I had to leave the room at one point. She needed about an hour so it wasn't a big deal. We made fajitas for dinner, watched more Top Chef, and snuggled on the couch. Went to bed around 10pm.

Today is hair, lunch with our friend and her wife, then nothing. No meal planned since we're having lunch at 2pm. We can nosh. Few more days and we go out of town. Looking forward to that.

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