Wednesday, January 25, 2023

ANA Y1 D243

Well depending on your view, I have good news or bad news. Had my annual physical yesterday. I will be here for a while. I am good. The only negative and this is no shocker, I have a vitamin D deficiency. Wow, what a surprise. Oh, and I woke up to three inches of snow on the ground and a grey sky. Golly, I wonder how I have that deficiency. I am so surprised. Sarcasm, it's what's for breakfast. Seriously though, everything else is good. I need to lose weight to reduce my risk of things due to HRT, but otherwise, I am okay. We want to work on a 40lb reduction over the course of this year. 3-4lbs per month. Nothing crazy, nothing extravagant. I can do that. Portion control, physical activity, boom. I must say I do love my doctor. She doesn't make me guilty at all about anything. I don't have to have a mammogram for 4 more years, we did bloodwork for a PSA. Yes, I have to do both. Welcome to my weird world. Heart and lungs are fine. So yeah, you're stuck with me for a while kids. Sucks to be you.

Between that and voice therapy, that took up a chunk of my day.  My voice therapist got on me a bit. She says I am doing great, but only when I am doing formal reading. After about the third sentence in a regular conversation, I drop my voice back down. She's right. I do. She wants me to practice more with longer bursts so it becomes more natural to sustain. Okay. But my range is getting better, my vowels are improving, and a few times I pitched matched her perfectly. I see her again in two weeks.

I did more work on my matrix document, and that's about it. I did help B with some stuff. I helped her pick out a record player for her birthday and got her a record she wants. I also did some file backup for her. We made stuffed pizza waffles for dinner. Played some video games, went to bed. All in all a boring day. It's supposed to snow all day today. No plans to leave the house and hopefully power won't be affected.

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