Monday, March 21, 2011

Y2 D299

There is something very satisfying about a clean house. I went through this place like a madman yesterday. From top to bottom, window sills, floors, edges, countertops, bathtub; you name it, I cleaned it. Felt very good when I was done. Took me almost all day, but it was definitely satisfying. I look around right now and feel like things are where they belong. That was essentially my day yesterday. Finished up cleaning around 3 or so. Then went out ran some errands, grabbed some BBQ for dinner, and relaxed. It was incredibly nice having an entire day to myself without any real obligations. From like 5 until 11, I texted a ton with J66. I also finally got to see a clear, straight on picture of her. We talked about everything and nothing in a text. I like texting because I can clearly get across what I am trying to say, but not have to be rushed to say it like over the phone. We talked about our different tattoos and explained what some of them meant. Not everything though; can't ruin all the mystery.

On a different note, today marks six fucking months since I have had any intimate human physical contact. Worse still, the last four night I have dreamt of X2. It's all the same each time. We are somewhere like a hotel or I am at home waiting for her and she comes nonchalant and basically makes me feel insignificant and like shit. Nice. And people wonder why I try to avoid sleep.

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