Thursday, August 25, 2016

Y8 D91

Finally past 3am and I can post. I have been up since 1am EST but didn't want another one of those too early posts that showed up for Wednesday instead of Thursday. I am currently sitting on the floor outside an Admiral's Club at Liberty Airport. I fucking hate the east coast. Yesterday was a big steaming pile of shit. Here's why:

First thing I get yelled at in the morning because I mentioned something about software pricing. All I was doing was quoting what is on the vendor's website. How am I to know that internally they tack on extra fees and charges to different departments. I got yelled at for essentially trying to create new business. Okay. Fuck up and shame number one. THEN I get an email saying that some feedback from day one was negative. Some of the students felt I was "too unprofessional". Fucking east coast fucktards. This always happens when I get sent to overly conservative clients. This client has been around since 1870 and they were probably upset at my piercings and that I wasn't wearing a tie. Sorry if I wasn't a boring straight lace butthole. Whatever. Don't have me back. See if I fucking care. I run a 90% approval rating on average through the year. I teach 1000+ students every year. So fuck you four or five people out of 30 who didn't like me. Yes, that's a high percentage for a small group, but in the bigger picture, they can kiss my ass.

Finished my day tired and pissed off at 5:15. We went late because they asked way too many useless fucking questions. On the way back I stopped at subway for a sandwich for dinner. That was fun. While the girl behind the counter was trying to be nice, she inadvertently insulted me and made me fell even worse about myself. She was saying how cool my piercings were and then asked if I had grandkids because I would be the coolest grandpa around. Well fuck you too. Telling me I look like a grandparent. Fuck off. I already feel horrible about myself. Thanks for pouring some salt into that wound. Walked back to my hotel feeling like shit and hid in my room.

I knew I would have to be up early so I printed my boarding passes, ate my dinner, and crawled into bed around 8. I then tossed and turned until 1 when I finally got up. I just want to go home. One more week and we are off to Canada. I can't wait.

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