Thursday, February 16, 2017

Y8 D266

I am going to kill my phone. I can't tell if it is the cable or the connector but it is having charging trouble. It will make the charge noise then stop then make the noise then stop then make the noise... you get where this is going. It's also been sucking battery life again. I can't afford a new phone right now and this one is still under contract for another 10 months. Not going to happen. I am watching the Pixel XL. I am hoping that it will have a gen 2 out by the time I am ready.

Worked on my docs yesterday. Got a bit done. I am about 40-45% complete. Not as much as I would like but more than I expected given that this is the driest class known to man. Worked on it until about 4 and then we went out for dinner around 5:30.

Going out of town the 26th-1st. Thank god. I need out of the house. I need to be around people. It's to the Bay Area and unfortunately it's moving day for the kid. We will cross paths. I was hoping to see her one more time before she moved. Oh well. I am going to hang out with one group of friends. I will be in a different area than normal so I am keeping my being there to only a small group. I don't want anyone feeling bad but it's only a couple of nights and I don't want to stress out. Got that all booked and squared away. The hotel cost was through the roof for some stupid reason. $300 a night. I almost stayed at a non-Hilton. Give me the good mid-west hotels for $100 a night.

B read, I read, went to bed around 10:30. Ah the glamorous life we lead.

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