Saturday, June 15, 2019

Y11 D20

Had a better night. I was using the wrong pillow. I have two pillows on the bed. One for my head and one to put against the wall. They got switched on Thursday night. Hence my bad snoring. Yes, a pillow makes that big of a difference for me. It's because I am fat. If I just lost like 100 pounds I would be fine. But you know.

I putzed yesterday and it was wonderful. I needed a down day. We did get confirmation that the bay area meeting is happening. I booked us for 7/5 - 7/9. Going to see friends, hang out, and hopefully get some shit resolved. It's probably going to be hot and nasty while we're there, but oh well. I am taking the first part of that week off too which will really help.

B's friend is staying with us again. She has this community service shit to do three more weekends and she lives an hour away from where she needs to be at 7am on a saturday and sunday. It's easier for her to spend the night with us as we're only 15 minutes from where she needs to be. I don't mind. She's a good person who has made some bad decisions but owns them and is trying her best.

She did get a new job (sort of). She works for one of the major home improvement stores here and just got promoted to be a manager at a brand new store opening nearby. She has been working to open it every day. 70 hours last week. We went to dinner to celebrate. She doesn't get a lot of victories in her life and we thought she could use acknowledging this one. After dinner we popped into the mall just to hang out. I needed that. Some non-scheduled out time. It helped a lot.

Today I have to get a ladder and clean the gutters. Oh boy!! Leave on Monday for week 1 of 2 in OH. Oh boy again! Other than the gutters though, I have no obligations. Going to make some burgers and dogs on the grill tonight.

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