Friday, June 28, 2019

Y11 D33

I am home!! Got lost in OH though. Due to road closures and the GPS not knowing about them, I got turned around and ended up in the middle of nowhere. Like the part of OH where you know you're about to die because some dude wearing a human face mask made of the last victim is standing in the middle of the road holding a dead deer head. Yeah. Just like that. I lost about 30 minutes total and backtracked six miles but I made it. No dead deer head either. Thank god.

Got through my last day with the OH group, for now. I am giving up some time on Tuesday to talk next steps with them and I expect that in August or September I will be coming back to do more training. Okay. As long as I get my cut.

Got Cane's for dinner, ate, packed, slept. Left around 11:30. On the way out, checked email. I am going to be teaching at UCLA in August. 5 full days. That means 6 hotel nights and another 7500 air miles. Okay. I will be 3 nights away from another year of diamond and 10k miles from another year of platinum. I will have 4 months to hit both goals. Doable.

Today I am doing laundry (already started), dropping off the rental car, and then I am done. At least for a few days. No obligations, no nothing. I just need a break.

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