Monday, June 3, 2019

Y11 D8

I was going to bed around 10 last night when the ales guy sent this long ass email to me about communication. He was trying to be nice and send it when I wasn't on the road. He unfortunately forgot about the 3 hour time difference. I then spent the next half hour crafting a response, rewriting it twice, and finally sending it around 11. One of the big things in there was there's never a good time for us trainers. Either we're teaching or enroute to teaching. It's always a bad time. Period. I am hoping for a smooth transition as my boss leaves, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Sigh.

Had a decent day. Got up and washed the car. Took care of shit around the house. Nothing exciting. Started watching Good Omens. Am I the only one who pronounces Crowley with an "ow" and not like "crow" or is it a British thing?

Finished up my packing for today. Heading out around 10, pick up my rental, and should hit Ohio around 3 or 4. All week in OH and home on Friday. Need to call AC people before I leave to have them here Friday if possible.

Had leftovers for dinner. The fridge is pared down for sure now. I don't feel like I am leaving B with an overwhelming amount of leftover food in there. She is planning on working with her dad this week which will be good for her.

That's about it. Don't expect too exciting of a week.

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