Monday, August 16, 2010

Y2 D82

I think I am almost through and coming out the other side. I swear, I must be bi-polar or manic. Nothing else would explain these mood swings. I go from being ok to wanting to blow my head off like a light switch. Of course I don't want to discuss it with a doctor. That would be admitting a problem. Speaking of medical stuff, I just finished my open enrollment for the new plan year. Fuckers raised everything again. I almost wondering if I would be better off declining their coverage and getting my own plan. I need to look into the cost of that. With what they are going to hit me per pay period for a decent plan, I am going to be screwed. Fuckers. Another month and I am going to start looking for new work. Make some connections, move on. Need a signing bonus from the new company to pay off anything I owe my current bosses, and then move forward. Leave the last part of the past behind.

I went to rehearsal yesterday. This is going to be interesting. I felt old, but not too bad. Most of the folks are only about 5 years younger than me. I didn't feel like grandpa thank goodness. It also showed me I can have a group of friends possibly. We will see where things go on that front. We have our big show coming up in Reno next weekend. I think I will go up in the morning, do the show, then come back the same night. Just make it easier and I won't have to spend money on hotel rooms or anything like that.

Otherwise, nothing else going on right now. Don't want to kill myself, don't care about anything else though either. The grey area. Somewhere in between happy and sad. I guess that would be life.

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