Monday, August 30, 2010

Y2 D96

This is now officially the longest first date in history. Yes, she is still here, yes we spent all day together yesterday. So from the time we left the theater at 2am until now, we are talking a total of 29 hours together. We haven't killed each other, wanted to send the other home, or had to be attached at the hip the whole time either. That's the weird part - there have been a couple of points where we were at my place, but kind of doing our own thing. It was interesting. She was doing something on the computer as was I. We left for a while to go back to her place. She needed to pick up some stuff like her autoharp (yes, we will get to that in a minute) and her computer. She also asked me "should I grab a change of clothes in case I stay the night again?". Sure, why the hell not. In those 29 hours we have "slept" together twice, and yet, nothing has happened. I am slightly confused, but at the same time enjoying the companionship. Weird feeling having someone else in my house.

BTW - I knew she was someone interesting and possibly right for me when the first night I met her, we were talking about something and she randomly says "I am Jack's wasted life". Um, marry me? Or at the very least, spend the next like three days straight with me? I don't expect her to leave any time soon. She is currently asleep in my bedroom. I slept from like 2 - 6 but she was up. We both slept from about 9 - 12, but then got back up for a while, or at least I did. This is why she is now sleeping and I am typing.

Here it is Monday. What a long strange trip it's been getting here.

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