Monday, January 16, 2012

Y3 D236

Sometimes you want to be alone. You just want to hide in your cave and not talk to anyone, see anyone think about anyone. You just want to go away. You want to hide. But you can't. Someone drags you back to the world of the living. I spent most of the day being able to hide, but not enough. I faked most of it. Still exceptionally stressed out. Thinking too much about too many things. I spent the most part of the morning just sitting and doing nothing. Reflecting, worrying, stressing, but from an outsider's point of view it looked like I was just sitting. Inside I was going insane. Still am.

TGF came over later in the afternoon. We watched some TV, hung out, played some video games, ate, had sex. That about sums up everything I did yesterday. Didn't even leave the house. I don't know what is wrong with me right now, but something is. Something is terribly broken in my brain at the moment.

Don't know how to fix it. Not sure how to make it right.

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