Friday, January 20, 2012

Y3 D240

Much better yesterday. Still didn't feel like having any human contact but definitely not as depressed as earlier in the week. I have yet to leave the house though. Today will change that. Today I get to go out and do laundry and run errands. Yay? Spent the entire day in the house working and being alone. I know some folks have tried to reach out to me but I just don't want to talk to anyone. I just want to lay low for a while until this passes 100%. I did spend some time last night scanning in all my movies and video games into the computer. I started on the books as well but only got through 100 of them. I hope to finish the rest today. Very boring day yesterday. Nothing to really talk about. Nothing really happened. Worked. Ate. Slept. Didn't even play any video games. Huh. Wow. What a waste of a day.

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