Sunday, February 17, 2013

Y4 D269

Day 3 of being together hits it out of the park. We got up and showered together which was nice. We both agree we hate the shower in this room. As fart as the hotel goes it can suck my balls. I am not a fan of the hotel. I should have just sucked it up and paid the extra money for my regular level of hotel. I am planning on sending the parent of this company an email when I get home this week that there is no way I would ever stay at one of their properties again. Sorry, not going to happen. After showering we went and she showed me around. We went to PF Chang's for lunch because it is one of her favorite places. We got into a very interesting discussion about how in this area that is considered one of the 'nice places'. It always strikes me the difference in socio-economic classes between where I live and the rest of the country. Plus the difference in the number of places that are available as options. I understand why people eat at certain places and shop at certain places in parts like this because they really don't have the same number of options available to them. To exemplify my point, I pulled up on my phone where I used to work in the city. From that address I did a search for 'restaurant'. When I showed her the immense number of options available she was amazed. There were HUNDREDS of little tiny dots versus the less than a dozen when I did the same search from where we were sitting. It's a matter of choice. We then went into the pet store where we looked at the kitties and the hamsters. I have been wanting a robo dwarf hamster (yes because I need yet another creature in the house) and after watching them she is in full agreement.

To be honest we didn't do a whole lot yesterday except just be together. This is kind of what I wanted. I didn't want a scheduled time where she showed be the best of her city AND especially the best of herself. I wanted to see her and be with her in every day normal situations to see how we do. It's one thing to be with someone and it be 'vacation' where things are more likely to go right than it is just going grocery shopping. The long round about point I am trying to make is that once more everything felt natural and right. Nothing felt forced or as if we were trying to impress the other. I can tell a difference in me when I am around her compared to when I have just been dating someone. I don't feel the need to brag or talk about the things I own or the places I have been. No, our conversations have frankly been about the mundane. Yet, we still have this playfulness and attraction to each other that was definitely in the air and felt throughout the day.

When we got back to the room she needed to start getting ready for work. I just kind of stayed out of her way. When she was done we had a long talk about 'what next'. Neither of us are looking to rush this. We cannot let three days of compatibility dictate a longer term decision. The plan then is for me to see her again when I come back out here for work in about 3 weeks. Then in April we will meet and go to Disneyland together. In May she will come up to me and spend 3-4 days in my house. She wants to go to a show and meet everyone. She wants to see MY world like I have seen hers. She wants to see how I function in my element. If after all that we still feel this connection then we start planning logistics in June and move her in July. Yes, I am probably repeating myself on this time line and plan but it is solidifying and I have to force myself to not accelerate it just for the sake of my own happiness. We will have plenty of time. But we also talked about concerns - the what if stuff. What if she comes out and a year later it doesn't work? She is afraid of having to come back home and look like a failure. I explained that she will have spent a year in a whole new world and even if god forbid it didn't work for us, she would be a different person and probably not want to come back to this life. She understood that but still has concerns about picking up her life.

One thing that is truly different about us is that for me I have had to pick up and start over so many times that I can do it. I travel enough that being in new places phases me less than it does her. I can be in a different city every week and not think twice about it. This is huge for her. Her field of study was journalism. I keep telling her she shouldn't be here for that anyway. She gets it, but yeah, this is some scary shit. That's why we have to force ourselves to take it slow.

Before she left for work without me knowing what she was doing, she ordered a pizza and cheesy bread to be delivered to the hotel room about 30 minutes before she would be back. She did that without any prompting or input from me. She paid for it, handled it, etc.

While she was gone I talked to my sister about all this. I needed to talk to someone close to me to make sure they help me keep reality in check. She agrees that if we don't take this chance regardless of how scary or huge it is, we are both idiots. I then walked over to the target that is near my hotel. I found these little heartlights, a scrabble board, and a card and when she came in from work I had the entire room decorated with the lights and balloons. Welcome to second valentine's day baby. Aaaaand cue the waterworks. Yeah, I am awesome. We ended up eating pizza, playing scrabble, and just enjoying each other's company until about 2:30am.

Yeah. I am happy.

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