Saturday, October 16, 2010

Y2 D143

Another boring day yesterday, sort of. I stressed out in the morning over money. My bosses did come through at 9pm last night with $1000 for all my registrations. Of course it was too late for the check to clear or for me to go to the DMV. Guess what I get to do on Monday? The upside was I at least re-established all my insurance policies. I can now go to the DMV without worrying about having proof of insurance. That's taken care of as of last night. I just need to get printer ink to print out the cards.

I went to the poor people grocery again yesterday. Bought the bare essentials - eggs, milk, cheese. Had pancakes last night for dinner. Food is food.

Also went to the phone store yesterday. That was a positive experience. My phone has been misbehaving and I showed them the problem and they are sending me a new one today or Monday. For free. I had three weeks left in my warranty. I picked the perfect timing to go into the store. This means I should have a new phone that lasts another year. Thank goodness.

That's about it. I was supposed to go see a friend perform, but since I couldn't get a ride I stayed home. I am sure she is disappointed, but I wasn't going to spend the money on gas, parking, etc to go by myself.  Just not interested in doing that alone.

Today the fridge movers come. That will keep me busy. Tonight, nothing. I am 33 episodes into Heroes. Only 44 more to go. That equals roughly 35 more hours to watch. No need to leave the house, right?

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