Thursday, October 20, 2011

Y3 D148

FML. Seriously. One of the things I was trying to line up fell through at 11:30 last night. So now I am scrambling again. I have a week basically to figure this out and at the same time I have no idea how I will get across the bridge today because I have $1 in my wallet and it's a five dollar toll. FML. One more time.

Went to work yesterday. Whoop dee fucking doo. Luckily nothing exciting happened there. Got home around 530 to an empty house. Kid had more ballroom dancing with the boyfriend. I talked online with TGF until she needed to get ready for dance. Had a piece of bread for dinner, watched House, and fell asleep on the couch until TGF called me at 1030. We talked for about an hour and I went to bed.

I have a show this weekend and I am not looking forward to it. I *AM* looking forward to Sunday potentially. It all depends on if my friend can come through with tickets to the amusement park. If he can't I understand, but it would sure be a nice diversion from all this shit going on...

Tonight having dinner with friends. I am in charge of the wine. Luckily it's one thing I still have some of in the house. Might as well start drinking it...

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