Sunday, October 23, 2011

Y3 D151

Long day yesterday. Didn't get to sleep until after 4. Spent the day doing stuff around the house after going and getting my oil changed at 8. My buddy owed me some money per him, I didn't think or feel like he did, but he wanted to pay me back for one night when we went out drinking a couple of months ago so he paid the $45 for my oil change. I thought that was really nice of him and given everything going on, I accepted. Came back and made breakfast for the kid and TGF. TGF then took off for dance and the kid and I hung out. We watched some TV until about 2 when we went over to my co-head's house. We then worked on the van which needed to have the tire repaired, things reorganized, etc. That took until about 4. From there we came back and watched more bad tv until KBF and TGF came over. We all took off for the show around 7. Good show. No drama really, no issues. Waited for my friend who got there around 1 with the tickets for today!! YAY!! THANK YOU!! On our way home our other friend called and asked if we were still awake. We headed to his house for a little while. No drinking or anything, just hung out. Home around 2:30 and then asleep by 4. Yes, we had sex. Duh. This morning I am feeling good. No major brain issues. Worried about this week in terms of money and work, but that will be dealt with tomorrow, not today. Today I shall enjoy.

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