Thursday, August 9, 2012

Y4 D76

Slept through all my alarms this morning which really sucks ass because I have a meeting in a little while and I was supposed to be prepped for it. I mostly am but I was going to try one more thing before the meeting and it doesn't look like I will have time to do it. Yesterday was a combination of frustrating work followed by some happiness. Work is just annoying me right now because the requirements being asked for by the end user are not technically possible without some major hoop jumping and the timeline I have been given doesn't work. I might be able to kludge it which is what I wanted to test this morning but again, no time. Oh well. I will push forward and see what happens.

On the personal front - the kid and I took a break yesterday to get some groceries. We now have food in the house. I have found that shopping at one particular store is helping our food budget these days. Their prices are considerably lower if you suck up and let them send you emails. I saved almost $42 on my bill over the regular prices. That's a tank of gas. That's worth a few random emails a week.

After groceries we met my director at the tattoo shop. He introduced me to his artist and we discussed my next piece. We also picked up supplies for Saturday's show. I had to go back later in the night to put down the deposit and get on her books. I am now scheduled for 8/29 at 12:30pm to get a new piece done on my left forearm. AND it's paid in full basically. If it comes a little more then I will cover in cash. But worst case we are talking like and extra $40 out of pocket. I can handle that.

I did get a little frustrated with the kid yesterday and she apologized later for it. She is currently having her period and is irritable and emotional. She wanted to come on the picnic with me Sunday and I was like huh? why? Why would you want to hang out with me and X on a picnic? This isn't some group thing. Later on she realized she was silly in asking and backed down. I think she is having a "I have no friends" time of it right now. She starts school in less than a week and hopefully will make new friends. She is such a great kid but has such a hard time being social. And right now she sees me going out with people that are closer to her age and she gets pissy about it. Sorry, they were my friends first? I mean I don't know how to respond. Then on top of it, I am going to Disneyland in a week without her. She is upset about that too. Again, sorry? I am sorry I have more of a life? As pathetic as it may be?

I so want her to get the internship to Disneyland in the fall. I know it won't start until January but it will do her a world of good.

Came home around 9 and watch some south park. Something light to end the day. Needed a good laugh.

Work work work today and then dinner with friends around 8:30.

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