Thursday, December 27, 2012

Y4 D217

The universe is trying to mess with me. I am like hey I am doing okay and the universe decides, heh, let's throw him a curveball. Nothing major, but enough to fuck with his mood. Okay, universe, let's do this. Let me show you what my support group looks like.

I worked all day yesterday up until about 4. I got everything done that I needed to and now am off today and tomorrow. Yay! House prepared to be cleaned!

The kid needed to go to work at 4:30 and the car wouldn't start. Dead battery. Not completely dead though. But dead enough. She ended up walking and then I spent the next 20 minutes on the phone trying to find someone with jumper cables. FML. Finally had to call my friends that I didn't want to call Not because I didn't want to see them or anything - just the opposite. I knew they would be able to help, but I felt guilty because they live 20 miles away and it was 5:00pm on a Wednesday. I felt like a heel. But they came and we got it jumped. We noticed there was some corrosion on the terminals and one was loose. We think the recent weather didn't do any favors either. I am going to go out there this morning and clean them off which should help the situation. Took care of that, then I bought them dinner for driving down. We left the car at the kid's work and I stayed up until midnight to make sure she got home okay.

It was nice seeing them and I appreciate their help. Makes me feel loved. After they left I spent the rest of the night cleaning my bathroom. That's one room down. Today is the closets. I am also getting rid of the small white leather couch today hopefully. Some friends are moving into their own place together this weekend. I am very happy for them. I have talked about them here before and they have suffered through a ton of shit, from her suicide attempts to his confused sexuality, but you know what? If they are happy then fuck it. Let them be happy and here's a couch dammit. I need to call them and see if they are coming by today.

Going to a party tomorrow night after running errands. Today the kid is spending it with NBF <- all...="all..." am="am" and="and" boyfriend="boyfriend" closets="closets" empty="empty" for="for" going="going" i="i" memories="memories" new="new" of="of" old="old" once="once" out="out" p="p" purge="purge" shit.="shit." the="the" throw="throw" time="time" to="to" yesterday="yesterday">

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