Monday, November 26, 2018

Y10 D184

More painting was done yesterday. Our bedroom is now 100% complete.  Trim and all. That was an all day project. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms left to do. I believe B is going to start in on the main bathroom today. We haven't picked out colors for the remaining rooms yet, but it will come. Doing this is making it feel more like "ours" instead of someone else's house. I know it's dumb, but true. Plus only one more day and we'll have our stuff in here. Thank goodness. Then it will really be solid. We ate out a lot yesterday because of the painting. Plus I didn't feel much like going to the grocery store or cooking with our meager corningware that we have.

We did take one break yesterday. We went out to this place called Flower Barn Nursery which is more of a giant fish store than a nursery. They have all sorts of fish you won't find at a regular pet store. Live brine, baby lobsters, puffers, sharks. They have an 800 gallon tank with coral for $25,000. This is the serious fish store. I refused to get too excited though. Not until our other tanks get here and I know what kind of space we will have and how they will be setup. We can go back in January and think about other fish.

No, nothing from the kid. Sorry. I will be following up with her today myself.

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