Sunday, December 5, 2010

Y2 D193

Ok, day two of sleeping until 11. My body is trying to tell me something. Maybe I need to stop running around until 4am?? Nah...

Daytime was uneventful. Cleaned the house as planned. Made cupcakes. The only really interesting thing was a text from LO. She graduates in two weeks. She wants me to come to the party. I thought that was pretty cool. Until she says 'so I showed your picture to my mom. she thinks you are really cute'. After a bit of back and forth it comes out she is trying to fix me up with her mother. Odd much? Oh you know I will go and meet her mom just for the weirdness factor. But other than that, I would never pursue it. It would just weird me out. I would be looking at things going 'huh, I know that looked better 20 years ago...'. Yeah ok that was bad, sue me...

The show was insane last night. Turns out a homeless guy rifled through our props stored on the side of the theater. He stole a bunch of our prop covers, someone broke one of the chairs, and things were just fucked up. We were doing last minute fixes, trying to find replacement items, etc. We still pulled off a good show, but it was some serious stressing the whole night. I think overall we did ok, but man, don't want a repeat of that any time soon.

Today I am supposed to go ice skating and then meet this woman I met online for coffee. Let's see how both of those things go....

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