Friday, December 24, 2010

Y2 D212

Yesterday was an incredible mix of highs and lows, frustrations and relaxations. When I got up yesterday I checked the bank because I had a feeling I would get paid early thanks to the holiday. I was correct. Problem was my check was about $200 less than I thought it was going to be. Our finance guy is on holiday until the 2nd and he is not checking email. Really have no one to ask. Right off the bat, I was happy to have gotten paid, but I knew after bills went out I was going to be screwed. This started the day. I did pay a couple of bills, took care of that. Then I went off to work. Did about 4 hours at work. While I was there, I sent my bosses an email telling them that I couldn't continue to live this way in 2011. The stress of always being broke and worrying was not conducive to me being a good employee. I also chastised them a bit for the holiday dinner and told them how even a small bonus of $200 would have been a lot more beneficial to me instead of a dinner I didn't even eat. I was a little snarky on that part, but it's true and I was worried about how I am going to make it to the 7th. I then gave them four different proposals on changing my salary and bonus structure that could reduce my stress and make me bug them less in 2011. The proposals all were of varying degrees of benefit to both me and the company. That was 24 hours ago and I have yet to hear back. Gee thanks guys.

At the same time, I managed to finally solve my issues with the formulas and reports I have been working on this last week. Talk about major relief and joy. I busted my ass this week to get these calculations and formulas all working and at around 10am yesterday morning I was checking off all 211 numbers in the report to the penny. Made me feel great!

I came home around 11 and wrote out rent checks. Once I again I got stressed and worried. See? Highs and lows. Made the kid some lunch, relaxed, and then headed over to my director's house for a little get together. It was me, the kid, my two directors, their kid, a high school friend of theirs in town visiting, and two of our other friends from cast. We had a GREAT time. We were there until about 12:30 just hanging out and socializing. I had a blast as did the kid. Got home around 1 and went off to bed. All in all a weird day, but nothing out of the ordinary, right?

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